Institut Eugeni Xammar is a secondary school with 475 students, 100 in the non-compulsory level (16 to 18 ) divided into science, technology, economy and humanities options. The other 375 students are in the four compulsory secondary years (12 to 16 ). It is deeply involved in the area’s social network. Among other projects, there’s a round of master classes given by innovative professionals from different economic sectors, mainly from industry. It is also involved in social activities, has a partnership with an Indian school.and contributes to different charities (La Marató, Caritas…). Students in the last year of compulsory education have a Social Service as a subject for one hour a week. That involves helping at the town’s elderly people’s homes and in similar institutions.
The school’s motivation to join this project is to continue the successful partnership established in previous projects with the participating schools and teachers, to strengthen and expand the existing educational network. This school year, our school has joined the GEP (Plurilingual Generation) programme of the Catalan Educational System, to encourage the use of foreign languages outside the language curriculum. This project and all those we have taken part in are totally consistent with the objectives of the GEP programme.
The legal representative, Headteacher Magdalena Fàbregues, and the contact person, Erasmus+ Coordinator Joan Canal, will be the key people in charge of running the project. The previous Comenius and Erasmus+ projects in which the school has taken part have created a steady group of collaborating staff, any of whom could take over their roles if that was necessary.
In addition to the aforementioned projects, our last year students have been travelling to London for their final project since 2005, in a successful experience which involves a big number of students and teachers (from 60 to 80) and is generally praised by students and their families. We have also been running an exchange programme with a German school for the last four years. It all gives us a wide experience organizing international educational activities, with very committed management, staff and students.