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Update May 2022 – André Wiersig – The Ocean Ambassador- has finally visited our school (due to the pandemic…)

André Wiersig with the ERASMUS students Hövelhof

Hövelhof, 11.11.2021

The students of the ERASMUS+ – AG are very happy to announce that André Wiersig is coming next week to our school to speak to our students. (unfortunately postponed due to COVID-19)

As mentioned on his homepage, “André Wiersig has achieved what no German has ever done before. The 49-year-old swam through the seven most famous straits in the world, the “Ocean’s Seven” (

Andre Wiersig will come to our school to speak in his function as an OCEAN AMBASSADOR. Read more about his mission in the following screenshot from his website (

The audience mostly from year 7 and of course our ERASMUS students
Ocean Ambassador!
Endangered animals
Many questions had to be answered…