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Activities in Spain- La Fàbrica del Sol

La Fàbrica del Sol is an equipment of environmental education promoted by the Area of ​​Ecology, Urbanism and Mobility of the City council of Barcelona.

The rehabilitation of the space has integrated environmental measures and solutions, such as the use of rainwater, an interior vertical garden, a geothermal heat pump, a pergola and a wall with photovoltaic panels, in addition to natural ventilation.

The demonstrative building is open to all to publicize and extend the culture of sustainability.

The services and resources that are offered are:

– An information and consultation service on issues of urban ecology and sustainability

– A program of activities for adults and families

– The program How does Barcelona work?

– A material loan service

Also found:

– The Environmental Education Centre of Ciutat Vella

– The Ateneu de Fabricació (FabLab) de La Fàbrica del Sol

– The Environmental Education Documentation Service (SDEA)

– Action + Sustainable for shops

– Entities and Companies + Sustainable

– Schools + Sustainable
